Helping Aimee to feel positive about the future

History: Aimee had a complex family history. Her mother moved abroad when Aimee was very young and as a result, she lived with her father. Her father struggled raising Aimee and her sister as well as holding down a full-time job. There were instances when her father would have to travel for work which resulted in Aimee being placed in temporary foster care.

Moving On intervention: Aimee came to Moving On with a limited support network. Shortly after becoming involved with Moving On, she tragically lost her father. She was only 17 years old and losing her father at such a young age was really tough. Aimee had some contact with her sister, but as her sister was younger, she was in foster care so contact varied. It was clear straight away Aimee was struggling. She was spending a lot of time sleeping, not wanting to get out of bed and was eating very little. Her support worker initially was checking in with Aimee on a daily basis as she was very concerned about her wellbeing. It was discussed with her social worker and after having a chat with Aimee, agreed for Aimee to access GP and counselling support.

To try and keep Aimee occupied, her next goal was based around the importance of tenancy management. Aimee had never really had her own home before and felt she needed some real guidance with this. Her support worker showed her how to wash clothes, iron, cooking arrangements as well as an assisted shop for cleaning products. By implementing tenancy management skills helped Aimee structure her day.

A few months on and Aimee and her support worker talked about the possibility of returning to college to continue with her AS levels. Her support worker arranged a meeting with Aimee and the college to look at next steps upon her return.

Aimee is now feeling confident about her future. She is looking forward to returning to college and seeing her friends, is enjoying her Moving On home and feels confident with how things are going.

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