Helping Liam out of his shell and into college

Liam was referred into Moving On in the summer of 2023. He had lost his mam at a young age and the relationship with his dad had broken down a long time ago, which resulted in him living with his grandma temporarily.

When Liam came to Moving On, he was quite shy and reserved. Sometimes he would send a text last minute to rearrange his support session(s) and when he did have his support sessions, he wouldn’t talk much. Through perseverance, his support worker wanted to get to know the real Liam. His support worker decided to take Liam out of his home to see if a change of surroundings may help him open up.

They decided to go to a coffee shop, something which Liam had never experienced. After several occasions of going for walks and visiting his local reservoir, his love for nature and the peacefulness of it became apparent.

This became a starting point for his support based around meaningful use of time and exploring what it is Liam likes to do. Liam then started to open up and mentioned he hadn’t visited many places and found it daunting going alone. His support worker noticed he started to bring along a notepad and would sketch the landscape and what he saw.

This naturally led to a discussion about his love for art and researching local art college courses. Liam preferred smaller class sizes so this was something to consider too. His support worker wanted to help gradually build upon his support network before our intervention stopped so they went to a couple of open events before Liam decided to enrol at one of the colleges.

Fast forward to present day and Liam is still on his college course, making great progress and he is starting to develop friendships. His relationship with his support worker continues to develop and soon they’ll move onto his next goal.

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