A second chance for Bobby to settle in his own home

Bobby’s journey with Moving On began in 2021. Bobby had been in care but when we met Bobby, he was staying on a friend’s sofa and needed his own place. We got to know Bobby and his social worker. We then moved Bobby in shortly after with donated furniture from the help from social services.

His support worker quickly noticed from weekly visits that Bobby wasn’t living at his Moving On home despite him saying he was. He then started to miss his weekly appointments with his Moving On support worker. Bobby’s support worker and social worker met with him to talk about him not living at the property and his disengagement. Bobby opened up mentioned that after living in a busy children’s home all of his life, he was struggling living on his own, feeling scared and lonely.

Bobby, his support worker and social worker put a plan together with Bobby to start again, a new start. Part of this new start included Bobby’s friend staying over one a night a week for a few weeks to help him with the transition. Bobby and his support worker have accessed support from his GP around his anxiety around living alone. He was prescribed medication and offered Talking Therapies.

Six months on and Bobby was still not living at his property. It was decided that it was best for him to return the keys.

Fast forward to 2023 and Bobby was re-referred into Moving On and been given a second chance. He now feels ready to live alone and manage his own tenancy. This time round things are looking promising.

Bobby is already making great progress making his house homely, has not missed any appointments with his support worker and together, they are currently working on budgeting and remembering things like going to GP appointments together, what night to put his bins out and keeping his property in a good condition. Once the basics have been achieved, Bobby and his support worker will move on to work on his other personalised goals.

We hope that Bobby is able to settle, feel safe and supported in order to sustain his tenancy this time around so he can reach his full potential.

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